Sunday, January 15, 2012

#66 Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)

No one could believe I had never seen any of the Indiana Jones movies. I don't know how it happened, and I'm not proud of it, but had I known this was such a great movie, I would've seen these movies a LONG time ago. It had action, purpose, music, drama, and unlike most of the 80's movies I've seen, it didn't feel dated at all.

There's not a lot that I'm ready to say about it. I'd like to see the other Indiana Jones movies, because I feel like they opened a few story lines, and I want to know what happens next. I've already added the other movies to my Netflix queue.

Rating: 10/10

Big Names: Everybody involved in this movie was a big name: directed by Steven Spielberg, story from George Lucas, music by John Williams (that's why the music is phenomenal), and of course, Harrison Ford (second movie of the top 100 for him -- after Blade Runner)

Big Lines:
Marion: You're not the man I knew ten years ago.
Indiana: It' not the years, honey. It's the mileage.


  1. I just re-watched this one and am getting ready to post my blog about it. Hope you don't mind that I'm adding a link in it to this post.

    Now about the movie itself, it's fun and all that, but I don't understand why everybody seems to LOVE it so much.

  2. Well, I can't say that I *fully* understand why it's on AFI's list, but it's a great movie. The special effects were impressive, the acting was done well (I agree, though, that Marion's character was annoying), and the movie creates such an identifiable hero. The music is an added bonus. Seriously, everyone alive knows that theme. I think the main reason I loved it was that it was such a thrilling movie to watch. Not a dull moment.

  3. Makes sense. Good review, Lindsey. It's been interesting to see where you and I differ on a lot of these movies. =o)
