I had a roommate in college who was obsessed with Hitchcock, and she forced me to watch this one when I was 19. I liked it all right then, but LOVED it this time. Luckily, I couldn't remember how it ended from the first time I saw it, so it kept me in suspense during this re-watch. I feel spoiled watching only the best Hitchcock movies so far (this and North by Northwest), and I hope the others wouldn't disappoint, but I can say I'm a Hitchcock fan based on these two.
Just noticed on imdb that this movie was remade in 1998 with Christopher Reeve. Why?? I can't imagine what a remake would've added to the story. Why mess with perfection?
Rating: 10/10
Big Names: James Stewart (this guy's in a ton of these top 100 movies, and I've learned to immediately recognize his voice), Grace Kelly (adored her dresses in this movie, not that I'd ever be able to pull any of them off)
I'll be very interested to read your post on "Vertigo", the other Hitchcock film on the list besides the 3 you've already seen. This one is awesome, though.